I’m Drooling Again; THE LG G3 Smartphone -Gaah!

Smartphones, Tech

I’ve been really unlucky when it comes to mobiles. I think I’ve mostly just been a bit of a cheapskate really, buying dodgy tech that seemed cool at the time but that should have raised warning flags when it came to pricing. When I’m looking to buy new tech, gear or ‘nerdware’ I usually start with 3 months of research. Essentially, if I’m honest with myself, it is just an excuse for looking at nerd porn until my eyes bleed, and in many ways it is also an escape from my work-related woes. So, for 3 months it is I’ll get that mobile, I’m sure and but this one has heaps of extra features! and so on, back and forth until I can’t take the excitement anymore and actually buy the damn thing. Yes, it is a nerdgasm!


LG G3 – The Ultimate Mobile?

Currently, I’m drooling over the LG G3. It looks like a mobile from some wet dream I had and that I now only have vague memories of. It fits right into that slot where my mind has installed a placeholder instead of a clear picture of The Ultimate Mobile. The lines, the absolutely gorgeous screen and raw power simply… I’m sorry, I think I just started crying silently without noticing it myself. Unfortunately the G3 is a bit out of my price range, but I won’t let that deter me from drooling and enjoying the delirium the thought of touching it induces in me. Blip, blip – 0o0 h!